Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hyde Park Scenery

Just some scenery photos my boyfriend Jeremy took while at Hyde Park, Sydney. - April 2011.
No editing has been added/made.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

my main boy

Just a few snaps of my little man that I took last night, before bed time.
I edited these photos through Gimp. I'm just trying and playing around with editing features as I never really 'edit' when I do, I usually just 'enhance' photos more than anything else. 

I've also just started formatting my photos to being 'RAW' rather than 'JPG' and I've found that before editing them on Gimp, it's a lot easier and faster to enhance and do a little edit before opening on the actual program.

Oh, and I've made a new watermark. I quite like it.. it took me ages to perfect. Though I only included my two main blogs on it. But both blogs have links to link back to this blog anyway. 
(the first photo was the first attempt to my waterwark, then I added our last names in all the other photos).

My other sites

Don't forget to check out and follow me my other sites.
(make sure you let me know who are, right after you add me.. just in case I don't recognise you lol.)

You can also ask me questions through my Formspring.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

in the heart of Sydney

A few scenery shots from mine & Jeremy's 3rd year anniversary @ Circular Quay, Sydney. - April '11
- no editing added -

Thursday, April 7, 2011

@ 16 months.

who would've thought that the iPhoto program for Mac's was a good and very easy editing program?
Very basic editing added: enhance, boost, fade, antique, darken/lighten, contrast, vignette, edge blur.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Thanks to Mae from 'Fashion Enthusiast' for recommending and giving this award to my blog.

To accept the award, you must follow these rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

7 things about myself:
- I am an only child.
- I aspire to work in a bank
-  I was born in Philippines and moved to Australia at the age of 6.
- I did Karate in years 4-5.
- I did dancing from years 5-7.
- I have attended 3 different high-schools (2 juniors & 1 senior).
- I'm better off being independent and doing things myself (unless help is necessary of course).

Bloggers that I award: (in no particular order)

  1. ` Vu Couture
  2. Dear Nalley
  3. Escape
  4. Jazmyn Alexandria Photography
  6. Life with my Little Man
  7. Orange Mama Big World
  8. KristinandKayla
  9. Three's Company
  1. Life through perfected eyes
  2. Lynette
  3. Moments in life
  4. featkaf
  5. westernmom-eastermom
  6. krishellemiaco
These are just a small proportion of the blogs I enjoy reading on the daily. I still have so many that are unnamed and not listed.

Don't forget to visit my other blog for constant updates! 'ajj rosas'

Monday, April 4, 2011