Thursday, March 31, 2011

first month

In the first month I got my DSLR camera and when my boy was only 6 months. - June 2010.

1: 1/30s - f/4.8 - ISO: 2200 2: 1/60s - f/4.0 - ISO: 1000 3: 1/30s - f/4.0 - ISO: 1250 
4: 1/15s - f/5.0 - ISO: 3200 5: 1/13s - f/3.5 - ISO: 3200
Flash not used.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

bath time edition

I haven't taken bath photos in a while, so here are the latest snaps I took yesterday.

1: 1/30s - f/5 - ISO: 1600 2, 6, 7: 1/25s - f/5.3 - ISO: 1600 3: 1/10s - f/5.3 - IS: 1600
4: 1/50 - f/4.5 - ISO: 1600 5: 1/30s - f/5.3 - ISO: 1600 8, 9: 1/40s - f/5 - ISO: 1600 (b/w mode)
Flash not used.

Friday, March 11, 2011

these boots are made for walking..

One of my favourite pair of shoes and photo - the lighting and the surroundings give that vintage feel and look to it.
Therapy Combat boots.

1/13s - f/5.3 - ISO: 800
Flash not used.